My Steno Briefs

1,000 - WHOU
100 - WHUN
11 - LEFN
14 - FRAEN
15 - FAEN
16 - SKAEN
17 - STAEN
18 - KWAEN
19 - NAEN
20 - TWENT
200 - THUN
21- TWUN
30 - THIRT
300 - THRUN
40 - FOURT
5,000 - FOU
50 - FIFT
500 - FAOIFD
60 - SIKT
70 - SEFT
7-Eleven - SLEFN
80 – AIKT

ability - BILT*
about what time - BAOIM
accept - SEP
acceptance - SEPS
access - SES
accident - SDENT
accordance - KORNS
according - KORG
according to - KORGT
accurate - KRAT
achieve - KHAOEFB
addict - DAEK
addicted - DAEKD
addicting - DAEK*
addiction - DAEX
addicts - DAEKZ
addition - DILGS
additionally - DAOILGS
admitted into evidence - AEFD
admonish - MIRB
admonished - MIRBD
admonishes - MIRBZ
admonishing - MIRBG
admonishment - MIRBT
admonition - MOGS
adopt - DOPT
advocate - VOEKT
affirmative - FRIF
affirmative action - FRIFX
affirmatively - FRIFL
aggravate - GRAEFT
aggravated - GRAEFD
aggravated assault - GRAULT
alcohol - KHOL
alcoholic beverage - KHOB
alias - AILS
alibi - AEBL
all of a sudden - AUFLD
all of the - AUFLT
all the - AULT
allegation - ALGS
allege - ALG
alleged - ALGD
alleges - ALGZ
alleging - ALG*
alt - ALT*
alter - ARLT
altercation - AUGS
although - ALT
ambulance - BLANS
amend - AEM
amended - AEMD
amending - AEMG
amendment - AEMT
amends - AEMZ
analysis - NALS
announce - NOUNS
annual - NAUL
anonymous - NOM
answer the question - AEGS
anyone - NIN
anytime - NAOIM
apart - PAURT
apply - PLAOI
approach - PROEFP
approached - PROEFPD
approaches - PROEFPZ
approaching - PROEFPG
appropriate - PROEPT
appropriation - PROEPGS
appropriations bill - PROEBS
approximate - PRAUX
approximately - P-L
area - RAE
argue - GAOU
argued - GAOUD
argues - GAOUZ
arguing - GAOUG
argumentative - GUF
arrest - AR
arrested - ARD
arresting - ARG
arrests - ARZ
arrive - RAOIF
arrived - RAOIFD
arrives - RAOIFZ
arriving - RAOIFG
as a matter of fact - SMAFT
as a matter of law - SMAFL
as much - S-FP
as much as - S-FPZ
as opposed to - SPAOT
as soon as - SAOS
as well - SWL
as well as - SWLZ
asked and answered - SKAND
aspect - AEPS
aspect - SPEKT*
aspects - AEPZ
assault and battery - SAUB
assign - SAOIN*
assignment - SAOIMT
assist - SIST
assistant district attorney - SDAE
astronaut - STRAUNT
at once - TWUNS
at or about - TOUT
at that point - TAPT
at that present time - TAPT*
at the point - TEPT
at the present time - TEPT*
at this point - TIPT
at this present time - TIPT*
attend - TAEN
attended - TAEND
attorney - TOERN
attorney general - TOERNG
away - WAE

back door - BAOR
background - BROUND
baggie - BAEG
balm - BAUM*
bank account - B-KT
based on - BON
based upon - BON*
basic - BAIFK
basically - BAIFL
basis - BAZ
basis - BAZ
bear in mind - BURM
bearing in mind - BURMG
before and after - BAFR
beg your pardon - GURP
begging your pardon - GURPG
beyond a reasonable doubt - Y-RD
beyond all reasonable doubt - Y-RLD
beyond every reasonable doubt - YERD
beyond the scope - BOEP
bias and prejudice - BAP
bias or prejudice - BOP
bibliography - BLIB
billing records - BLORDZ
bindle - BINL
blood alcohol level - BLAL
bodily - BOL
bodily injury - BOJ
bomb - BAUM
bottom - BOM
brother - BRAUR
bundle - BUNL
burden of proof - BRAOF
burden of proving - BRAOFG
by the way - BAE

cabinet - KBET
call your attention - KAURT
calling for speculation - KLAIGS/G
calling your attention - KAURGT
calls for - KAUFLZ
calls for speculation - KLAIGS
captain - KAPT
carry - KAER
carrying - KAERG
cash register - KAJ
category - KOIR
cement - SEMT
census - SNUS
certain - SERN
certainly - SERNL
checking account - KH-KT
chiropractic - KAOIRK
chiropractor - KAOIR
Christmas - KMAS
cigarette - SGRET
circumstantial evidence - SKEFD
clinic - KLIN
closing argument - KLARG
closing statement - KL-MT
cob - KOB*
collide - KLAOID
collision - KLIGS
common - KMON
common sense - KMENZ
complainant - KPLAINT
complained - KLAIND
complaining - KLAING
complaint - KLAINT
complaints - KLAINTS
complex - KLEX
compound - KPOUND
comprehend - KPRE
comprehended - KPRED
comprehending - KPREG
comprehends - KPREZ
comprehension - KPREGS
comprehensive - KPREF
conclusive - KLAOUF
conclusively - KLAOUFL
conduct - KUK
conducted - KUKD
conducting - KUG
conducts - KUKZ
confirm - KWIRM
confirmation - KWIRMGS
conflict - KFL
conflicted - KFLD
conflicting - KFLG
conflicts - KFLZ
confront - KRON
confrontation - KRONGS
confrontational - KRONL
conjunction - K-X
connect - KEK
connected - KEKD
connection - KEX
connects - KEKZ
consent - SKENT
consist - SKIFT
consisted - SKIFT/D
consistent - SKINT
consistently - SKINL
consisting - SKIFG
consists - SKIFTS
construct - SKRUK
constructed - SKRUKD
constructing - SKRUK*
construction - SKRUX
constructs - SKRUKZ
contact - KAK
contacted - KAKD
contacting - KAG
contacts - KAKZ
content - KET
contents - KETS
context - KEKT
contraband - KR-B
contrary - KRAIR
contributory negligence - KREJ
controvert - KROFT
controverted - KROFD
convincing - KWINGS
cooperate - KAORP
cooperation - KAORPGS
corporate - KORP
corporation - KORPGS
correct - KREK
corrected - KREKD
correcting - KREK*
correctly - KREKL
corrects - KREKZ
could be - KOB
counsel - KOUN
counter - KER
country - KUN
county - KOUT
Covina - KOEFN
credible evidence - KREFD
criminal - KRL
cross-examination - KRX
cyst - SIST*

D.A. - DA*
daily basis - DAIB
date of birth - DAITH
debit - DEBT
debt - DET*
deceased - DAOEZD
declare - DLAIR
declared - DLAIRD
declares - DLAIRZ
declaring - DLAIRG
deduction - DEX
defense attorney - DOERN
Defense Exhibit No. - DOIN
define - DFN
degree - DRAOE
deliberate - DLIB
deliberated - DLIBD
deliberates - DLIBZ
deliberating - DLIBG
deliberation - DLIBGS
department - DEPT
deposit - DAOEP
deposit - DAOEPT
deposition - DEPGS
deposition transcript - DRIPT
deputy - DAOUPT
describe - DRAOIB
description - DRIPGS
detailed - DAOET/D
detective - DAET
did I think so - DINGS
did you notice - DUNS
did you observe - DUBS
did you recall - DIRL
did you recollect - DIRK
did you remember - DIRM
did you say - DUS
did you see - DUZ*
did you think - DING
did you understand - DUNDZ
ding - DING*
direct evidence - DREFD
direct examination - DRX
direct your attention - DURT
directing your attention - DURGT
disclosure - DLOUR
discover - DOFR
discovery - DOIFR
discrepancy - SKREP
dispute - SPU
disputed - SPUD
disputes - SPUZ
disputing - SPUG
disregard - DRAR
disregarded - DRARD
disregarding - DRARG
disregards - DRARZ
distinct - DIFRPBG
distinction - DIFRPBGS
district - SDRIK
district attorney - DAE
districted - SDRIKD
districting - SDRIK*
districts - SDRIKZ
do you believe - DOUBL
do you have - DOUF
do you have the - DOUFT
do you notice - DOUNS
do you observe - DOUBS
do you recall - DOURL
do you recollect - DOURK
do you remember - DOURM
do you think - DOUNG
do you think so - DOUNGS
do you understand - DOUNDZ
do you understand the question - DOUKD
does - DUZ
double - DUBL
downstairs - DOUNZ
driver seat - DRAET
driver side - DRAOIFRDZ
driver's license - DL-P
driver's seat - DRAET*
driver's side - DRAOIFRDZ*
driveway - DROI
during a period in time - DRAUPT
during that period - DRAP
during that period in time - DRAPT
during that time - DRAT
during the period - DREP
during the period in time - DREPT
during the time - DRET
during this period - DRIP*
during this period in time - DRIPT
during this time - DRIT

each and every - YEFR
eastbound - E-B
eastbound lane - E-BL
easterly - ERL
easterly direction - ERLD
ebb - E-B*
educate - JAET
education - JAEGS
embankment - BAFRPBGT
emergency room - M-RM
emphasis - MAZ
enable - NAIBL
equal - KWAL
equally - KWAEL
estimate - SMAIT
estimation - SMAIGS
everyone - EFRN
ex - EX
exception - KPEPGS
exclusive - SKLAOUF
exclusive judges - SKLAOUJZ
excuse - SKAOUZ
excuse me - SKAOUM
exist - KPIFT
existed - KPIFD
existence - KPINS
existing - KPIFG
exists - KPIFTS
expect - KPEKT
experience - SPERNS
expert opinion -SBN
expert opinions - SBNZ
expert witness - SBIN
expert witnesses - SBINZ
exterior - KPAOR

factor - FROR
fair to say - FAIRS
family - FAEM
father - FAUR
felony - FLOIN
female - FAEL
fetus - FAOETS
field sobriety test - FBT
financial - FNL
finger - FING
fingerprint - FPT
fire department - FIPT
fire extinguisher - FE*
fire station - FAIGS
firefighter - FF
fireman - FRAN
firemen - FREN
first degree - F-D
first degree murder - FMD
first name - F-M
fist - FIS*
floorboard - FLRD
follow - FOL
for example - FREX
for identification - FOIFGS
for instance - FRINS
for the - FORT
for the People - FOEP
for the record - FRORD
for your - FRUR
foreman - FOERM
foreperson - FOERP
formula- FLA {Florida - FLA/FLA}
fortunate - FORNT
fortunately - FORNL
foundation - FOUNGS
front door - FAOR
furthermore - FURM

generally - JENL
geographic - JAOEFK
geographical - JAOEFL
geographically - JAEFL
go ahead - GAID
graft - GRAFT
grave bodily injury - GLIR
greater weight of the evidence - GREFD
green light - GR-LT
grocery - GROIR
grocery store - GROIRS
guilt or innocence - GORNS
guilty or innocent - GORNT
guilty or not guilty - GORNG

had been - H-B
half an hour - HAFR
handwriting - H-G
harass - HARS
harassed - HARDZ
harasses - HARZ
harassing - HARG
harassment - HARMT
harness - HARN
harnessed - HARND
harnesses - HARNZ
harnessing - HARNG
has been - HAB
has been marked - HABD
have been - SR-B
have you ever - SRUFR
have you ever been - SRUFRN
he believed - EBLD
he believes - EBLZ
he believes so - EBLS
he can't say - HEKS or EX*
he should - ERBD
he thinks - ENGZ
he thinks so - ENGS
he wants - EPTS
he would - EKD
he would - ELD
Health and Safety Code - HOED
hearsay - HAERS
hex - HEX*
himself - HOIM
homicide - homicide
horizontal gaze nystagmus - HGZ
how far - HOUF
how fast - HOUFS
how many - HOUM
how much - HOUFP
how old - HOULD

I am - YAM
I believe - IBL
I believe so - IBLS
I believe the - IBLT
I can't say - IKS
I could - IKD
I don't know - YON
I mean - IM*
I object - IB
I said - IDZ
I should - IRBD
I think - ING
I think so - INGS
I want - IPT
I would - ILD
if any - FAOEN
if anything - FAOENG
if you find - FUFND
if you find from the evidence - FUFD
I'm - AOIM
immaterial - IMT
impartial - KBARBL
in a case - NAUS
in accordance - NAK
in accordance to - NAKT
in addition - NIGS
in and out - NOUT
in any event - INT
in many - N-M
in my mind - NIRM
in my opinion - MIP
in that case - NAS
in the case - NES
in the event - ENT
in this case - NIS
in your mind - NURM
in your opinion - MUP
incident - SDINT
included - KLUD
inclusive - KLUF
inclusively - KLUFL
incombent - KUBT
indicate - KAIT
indicating - KAIGT
indication - KAIGS
indirect - NRD
indirect evidence - SBREFD
indirectly - NRL
indirectness - NRD/NES
industrial - STRIL
industry - STRI
infer - NFR
inference - N-FRNS
inferences - N-FRNZ
inferred - NFRD
inferring - NFRG
infers - NFRZ
inflict - FLIKT
influence - FLAOUNS
influenced - FLAOUNDZ
influences - FLAOUNZ
influencing - FLAOUNG
informant - FANT
inside - SNAOI
instruct - RUK
instruct the witness - STR-NS
instructed - RUKD
instructing - RUK*
instruction - RUBGS
instructs - RUKZ
interior - NAOR
interrogatory - TROG
interview - SBAOU
interviewed - SBAOUD
interviewing - SBAOUG
interviews - SBAOUZ
intoxication - TOGS
investigate - VEG
investigating officer - VOFR
investigation - VEGS
investigator - VOR
involve - VOLF
involve - VOLF
involved - VOLFD
involvement - VOLMT
involves - VOLFZ
involving - VOLFG
irrespective - IRT
is it accurate - ST-RK
is it correct - ST-K
is it fair to say - ST-FS
is it not - ST-N
is it your - STUR
is that a "no" - STHAN*
is that a "yes" - STHAE*
is that a fair - STAEFR
is that correct - STHARK
is that fair - STAFR
is that right - STHAR
issue - AOIRB
issued - AOIRBD
issues - AOIRBZ
issues of fact - SHAOUF
issues of law - SHAOUL
issuing - AOIRBG
it happened - T-PD
it should - TRBD
it wants - TPTS
it would - TELD
item - TUM
itself - IZ

jewelry - JRL
jug - JUG*
just a guess - JUG
just a minute - JIMT
just a moment - JOMT

Kaiser - KAIFR
Kaiser Permanente - KAIFRM
Kate - KAIT*

laboratory - LOIR
lack of foundation - LOUNGS
lacking foundation - LOUNGS/G
lacks foundation - LOUNGZ
landlord - LARND
last name - LAEM
law enforcement - LAUMT
lawsuit - LAOUT
lawyer - LAUR
let me see - L-MZ
let's see - L-Z
liable - LIBL
libel - LAOIBL
license - L-P
licensed - L-PD
licenses - L-PZ
licensing - L-PG
lieutenant - LAONT
like I said - LIKDZ
like that - AOIKT
liquid - KWID
liquor - LIR
listen - L-NS
local - LOEK
locale - LOEK*
locally - LOEKL
located - LOEKD
location - LOEX
look out - LOUT
loot - LAOUT*

mail - MAIL
male - MAEL
malice aforethought - MFT
manage - M-G
management - M-GT
managing - M-G*
manner - MARN
manslaughter - SMAUR
marijuana - MAIRN
marked for identification - MOIFGS
may I approach - MOEFP
may we approach - MAOEFP
meal - MAOEL
medical - MEL
medical records - MRORDZ
medical treatment - MEMT
medication - MEGS
medications - MEGS/Z
Mel - MEL*
mic - MIK
microphone - M-F
middle name - M-M
midnight - MNT
Miranda - MRAND
Miranda rights - MRAOITS
misdemeanor - MOID
misstates the testimony - MEMT
mother - MAUR
motion - MOEGS
motion to strike - MAUFGS
motivation - MIFGS
motive - MIF
motives - MIFZ
motor vehicle - MOIF
move to strike - MAUFT
must be - MUB
my client - MAOINT
myself - MOIS

narrative - NIF
neighbor - NAIB
neighborhood - NAIBD
nervous - NFS
nervously - NFLS
nickname - N-M*
no cause in action - NAX
no further questions - NURDZ
no idea - NOID
no, I did not - NOIN
no, I didn't - NINT
no, I don't - NOENT
no, your Honor - NERN
non-responsive - NRP
norm - NORM*
normal - NORM
northbound - N-B
northbound lane - N-BL
northeast - NAEFT
northerly - NORL
northerly direction - NORLD
not guilty - N-G
not that I can recall - NIRKL
not that I can remember - NOIRM
not that I recall - NIRL
not that I'm aware - NAIFR
not that I'm aware - NAIR
nothing further - NURG
notice - NOIT
notwithstanding - NANG

objection - OX
occasion - KAIRB
occasionally - KAIRBL
occasioned - KAIRBD
occasions - KAIRBZ
occupation - KOPGS
occupation - OUP
occur - KUR
occurred - KURD
occurrence - KURNS
occurring - KURG
occurs - KURZ
offer of proof - FAOF
on or about - NOUT
once or twice - WOIS
opening statement - OS
opening statements - OZ
operate - PRAIT
operator - PRAIRT
opinion - P-N
oppose - OP
opposed - OPD
opposed to - PAOT
opposes - OPZ
opposing - OPG
opposite - OPS
opposites - OPS/Z
opposition - OIPGS
option - OPGS
or not - OERNT
ordinary care - AERK
other than - AON
otherwise - OIS
outside - OUD
overruled - OEFRLD
oxygen - SHEN

pain and suffering - PUFRG
parallel - PLEL
pardon - PARD
pardon me - PARM
partial - PARBL
partied - PAERT/D
parties - PAERTS
partner - PARN
partnered - PARND
partnering - PARNG
partners - PARNZ
party - PAERT
partying - PAERGT
passenger seat - PRAET
passenger side - PAEDZ
passenger's seat - PRAET*
passenger's side - PAEDZ*
pattern - PAIRN
patterned - PAIRND
patterning - PAIRNG
patterns - PAIRNZ
pay attention - PAENGS
peculiar - KUL
pecuniary - PUK
pedestrian - PED
Penal Code - POED
People versus - PFS
People versus - P-FS
percent - PERS
percentage - PERJ
perform - PORM
performance - PORMS
performed - PORMD
performing - PORMG
performs - PORMZ
permissible - PERBL
permission - PERGS
permission - PIGS
perp - PERP*
perpendicular - PLAUR
perpendicular to - PLAURT
perpetrator - PREPR
perpetrator - PRERP
personal - PARNL
personnel - PERNL
pickup - PIP
placenta - PLAS/NA
plaintiff's attorney - PLOERN
Plaintiff's Exhibit - PLEX
Plaintiff's Exhibit No. - PLOIN
plastic - PLAK
plastic bag - PLAG
plastic baggie - PLAEG
pleading - PLAEGD
police department - PLIPT
police officer - PLIFR
police report - PLORT
policy - POILS
preliminary - PRL
preliminary hearing - PLERG
premeditate - PR-M
premeditated - PR-MD
premeditates - PR-MZ
premeditating - PR-MG
premeditation - PRAIMGS
prepare - PRER
prepared - PRERD
preponderance of the evidence - P-PD
preponderate - P-P
presence - PRENS
present - PRENT
presented - PREND
presenting - PRENG
presently - PRENL
presents - PRENTS
presumably - PR-BL
presume - PRAOUM
presumed - PRAOUMD
presumes - PRAOUMZ
presuming - PRAOUMG
presumption - PRAOUMGS
pretext - PREKT
primarily - PRAOIRL
primary - PRAOIRM
prior to - PRAOIRT
priority - PRORT
probable cause - PROBS
probes - PROEBZ
problems - PROBZ
proposition - PROPGS
prosecute - PR-
prosecuted - PR-D
prosecutes - PR-Z
prosecuting - PR-G
prosecution - PR-X
prosecutor - PR-R
prosecutors - PR-RZ
prospective - PR-PT
proximate - PRAUKS
proximate cause - PRAUS
proximately - PRAUL
prudent person - PRUP
psychosis - SKOES
public defender - P-D
purpose - PURP
purposefully - PURL
pursuant - PURN
pursuant to - PURNT

qualification - KWAUFLGS
qualified - KWAUFLD
qualifies - KWAUFLZ
qualify - KWAUFL
qualifying - KWAUFLG

radio - RAO
ready to proceed - RAOEPD
reasonable care - RAERK
reasonably prudent person - R-P
recent - R-S
recently - R-LS
recollect - R-K
recollection - R-X
records - RORDZ
recover - ROFR
recovered - ROFRD
recovering - ROFRG
recovers - ROFRZ
recovery - ROIFR
recycle - ROIK
red light - R-LT
redirect - RERK
refresh - R-RB
refresh my memory - RIRM
refresh your memory - RURM
refresh your recollection - RURX
refreshed - R-RBD
refreshes - R-RBZ
refreshing - R-RBG
refusal - REFL
refuse - REF
refused - REFD
refuses - REFZ
refusing - REFG
regard - RAR
regarding - RARG
regarding the - RARGT
regular basis - RAIB
reject - JEKT
rejected - JEKD
rejection - JEX
rejects - JEKTS
repeat - RAET
repeat that - RAUT
research - RAERFP
resolve - ROFL
respective - RIF
respectively - RIFL
respondent - SPAUNT
rev - REFB
review - RAOU
reviewed - RAOUD
reviewing - RAOUG
reviews - RAOUZ
revolver - ROLFR
revved - REFD*
rifle - RAOIFL
rift - RIFT
rude - RAOUD*

same or similar - SLAR
same or similar circumstance - SLARK
sample - SAFPL
savings account - S-KT
scene - SAEN
scene of the accident - SAOX
scene of the crime - SKRAOIM
schizophrenia - SKRA
schizophrenic - SKRIK
search and seizure - SANZ
search warrant - SWARNT
seat belt - SBELT
second degree - S-D
second degree murder - SMD
section - SEX
security guard - SUARD
self-defense - SEFLD
sergeant - SARJ
service weapon - SWEP
session - SEGS
sex - SEX*
shall be - SHAB
she believed - SHEBLD
she believes - SHEBLZ
she believes so - SHEBLS
she believes the - SHEBLT
she can't say - SHEKS
she could - SHEKD
she should - SHERBD
she thinks - SHENGZ
she thinks so - SHENGS
she wants - SHEPTS
she would - SHELD
Sheriff's Department - SLIFT
shotgun - SHOG
signature - SGUR
significance - SIGS
significant - SIG
single - SINL
sister - STAUR
so help you God - SOEG
sober - SOEB
sobriety - SOBT
sole and exclusive - SOES
sole and exclusive judges - SOEJZ
solicit - SHREUFT
solicitation - SHREUFGS
solicited - SHREUFTD
soliciting - SHREUFGT
something like that - SMAOIKT
southbound - S-B
southbound land - S-BL
southerly - SORL
southerly direction - SORLD
specific - SPEF
specifically - SPEFL
spell your last name - SP-L
staffer - STAFR*
standard - ST-ND
state of mind - SMAOIND
state your - STUR
state your name - STURN
status - STAT* or STUS
stipulate - STIP
stipulation - STIPGS
strike that - STRAT
stuff like that - STAOIKT
submit - SUMT
subpoena - SP-
sufficient - SUF
sufficiently - SUFL
suggest - SUG
suspect - SPEKT
sustained - STAIND

take into consideration - TAIRGS or TADZ
take place - TAEP
takes place - TAEPZ
taking place - TAEG
talk about - TAUB
talked about - TAUBD
talking about - TAUBG
tax returns - TRURNZ
technician - TEGS
tenant - TAENT
testify - TEF
testimony - TM
thank you - TU
thank you, your Honor - THAURN
that happened - THAPD
that is correct - THARKS
that is right - THARS
that's correct - THARKZ
that's right - THARZ
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - TRAOUF
theory - THAOER
they believe - THEBL
they believe so - THEBLS
they believe the - THEBLT
they believed - THEBLD
they can't say - THEKS
they could - THEKD
they should - THERBD
they think - THENG
they think so - THENGS
they want - THEPT
they would - THELD
things like that - THAOIKT
third degree - T-D
this happened - THIPD
thorough - THOER
thoroughly - THOERL
to be - TOB
to believe - TOBL
to do - TOD*
to my knowledge - TIRJ
to the best of my knowledge - TAOIJ
to the best of my memory - TIRM
to the best of my recollection - TAOIX
to the best of your knowledge - TOURJ
to the best of your memory - TOIRM
to the best of your recollection - TURX
to want - TOPT
to your attention - TOURNGS
to your knowledge - TURJ
today - TOD
Todd - TAUD
took place - TAOP
tout - TOUT*
traffic light - T-LT
traffic violation - TLAOIGS
transcript - TRIPT
transport - TR-PT
transportation - TR-PGS
trauma - TRAUM
treatment - TRAEMT
truthfulness - TRAOUFNS
typical - TOIP
typically - TOIPL

unable - NAUBL
unable to - NAUBLT
unanimous - NAN
unanimously - NANL
under arrest - NAR
under oath - NOEGT
under the influence - NUFL
under the law - UNL
understand - UNDZ
understood - AOUNDZ
unfortunate - NORNT
unfortunately - NORNL
uniform - UFPL
unintelligible - NUBL
upstairs - UPZ

vague and ambiguous - VAIB
vehicle - VAOEK
Vehicle Code - VOED
Vehicle Code Section - V-X
video - VAO
videotaped - VAOPD
violate - VAOILT
violation - VAOILGS
violence - VLS
violent - VLT
voir dire - VRD
Volkswagen - VOEKS/VOEKS
voluntary - VOIR
volunteer - VO
volunteered - VOD
volunteering - VOG
volunteers - VOZ

wait a minute - WAIMT
wait a moment - WOMT
we believe - WEBL
we believe so - WEBLS
we believe the - WEBLT
we believed - WEBLD
we can't say - WEKS
we could - WEKD
we should - WERBD
we think - WENG
we think so - WENGS
we want - WEPT
we would - WELD
weather conditions - WONDZ
weekday - WAOEKD
weekdays - WAOEKDZ
weekend - WND
weekends - WNDZ
weekly basis - WAIB
weeknight - WAOINT
weeknights - WAOINTS
weight of the evidence - WAEFD
weld - WELD*
wept - WEPT*
westbound - W-B
westbound lane - W-BL
westerly - WERL
westerly direction - WERLD
what did you observe - DWUB
what do you mean - WHAOUM
what happened - WHAPD
what happened next - WHAX
what happened then - WHAN
will not - L-N
windshield - WLD
with regard - WRAR
witness - WNS
womb - WAOUM
would be - WOB


yearly basis - YAIB
yellow light - Y-LT
yes, I did - YID
yes, I do - YOD
yes, your Honor - YERN
you believe - UBL
you believe so - UBLS
you believe the - UBLT
you can't say - UKS
you could - UKD
you should - URBD
you think - UNG
you think so - UNGS
you want - UPT
you would - ULD
your Honor - YURN
yourself - YOIS

Ziplock - ZLOK

By: VintageVerses of