I've finished my first week of coming back to school! WOO HOO! :)
It's good to be back, but I admit, it was a very rough first week. It felt really weird to be back in "school mode." I felt that I was still on "vacation mode," especially on the very first day of school, which was this past Tuesday, September 8, 2009. The six weeks of Summer Break really broke my rhythm of school+study+work+etcetera. I think I'll be in tip top shape, however, by next week. I'm counting on it, anyway!
I am very happy to report, however, that by the second day of school, during my night class, I was able to write a 160 wpm Q&A test, and it felt FANTASTIC! I didn't feel like I dropped ANYTHING! Now the hard part is translating my steno notes onto a test transcript! OH BOY! This is where I've been messing up in passing that last 160 test to get into the 180 speed group. But I'm sure, it'll come... oh, it'll come! :)
I only have one academic class left, which is Transcript Prep. It's a one-year-long class, and there will be multiple projects to complete by the time I'm done. I also hope to learn, by the time I'm done, all the ins and outs of Case CATalayst (Student Version). That's the goal! I'm truly fortunate to have worked at a court reporting agency where I was able to actually prepare the physical transcripts (photocopying, binding the booklets, and mailing them out) and then at law offices where I was/am constantly surrounded by deposition transcripts. It's a benefit, for sure, that I know what a deposition transcript looks like! (Thanks to Cody from CSR Nation for reminding me of that!)

Allow me to share my schedule with you:
8:00-12:30 p.m. - SCHOOL
12:30-1:30 p.m. - LUNCH
1:30-2:30 p.m. - GYM (30 MINS. CARDIO; 30 MINS. WEIGHTS)
2:30-3:00 p.m. - SHOWER AT GYM
3:00-6:00 p.m. - STUDY NEAR SCHOOL
6:00-9:00 p.m. - SCHOOL
8:00-12:30 p.m. - SCHOOL
3:00-8:00 p.m. - WORK
8:00-5:00 p.m. - WORK
8:00-5:00 p.m. - WORK
...and STUDY whenever I have any "free time." :) What's very awesome is that whenever my boyfriend and I hang out, we usually study together, grab something to eat, and if there's enough time (and if we're really burnt out, and we feel we deserve a little R&R), we watch a movie. We like going to our local Borders Bookstore and then catching a flick at the nearest AMC movie theater. I'm glad that he wants to study with me! (He's studying computer programming.) Two studying heads are better than one!

One final thought: I found out that two of my classmates, who also were at 160 wpm, are actually at the 180 speed group now! One of them found out she passed on the last day of Summer Session (back in July 2009), and the other found out he passed on the first day back to school (just this past Tuesday).
I'm truly happy for them!!! :D I hope to be right at their heels sooner rather than later!
Here's my admission: I AM happy for them...
BUT, of course, as a student who wants to finish school ASAP, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy from my selfish heart! :( There, I admit it! I'm a corruptible human being! :P BUT BUT BUT!!! I'm thankful to say that I didn't remain in that envy state of mind for too long. WHEW! Thankfully, I was reminded by something I heard at church (I go to
Christian Assembly in Eagle Rock in Los Angeles, California; I love this community!):
"It is rare to find someone genuinely happy for another."
So sad but so true, right? :P I don't want to be jealous (wanting what another has as my own) or envious (because I can't have what another has, I don't want them to have it either) of my fellow classmates. I want to genuinely, without any malice whatsoever(!), celebrate and rejoice in my fellow classmates' newest successes! Why? Because it is the right thing to do. Because it is the humble, unselfish thing to do. Because wouldn't I want the same in return as well? YES YES YES!!! :)
Also, there's no need to be jealous or envious since I believe that I too will pass all my speed levels in due time. I'll get there as well! :)
I just have to continue to work hard, believe, and not plant any negative seed down my court reporting path... nor plant any negative seed along any of my fellow classmates' paths either. That wouldn't be right!
So I'm hoping the next time I hear of another classmate who passes another test (yes, even when I haven't passed a test in a while!), that I wouldn't be jealous or envious anymore... or if I do (since I'm a fallible human being!),
I hope I choose to not dwell there for long and brush that hate away, so I can sincerely smile and be happy for another person's success!!! That would be so ideal!!! ;)
So yeah, I don't want to be jealous or envious... not like these (funny!) pics:

Update on the flea situations at home (and thank you to those that asked!): We're gaining ground! Hehehe. I can say that we are about 90% rid of the fleas, but we must always stay on the offensive. These vermin multiply like crazy! At least now we're armed (all the insecticides), and we know exactly what to do!
Also, no new bites! All my bites are healing and fading away slowly yet surely. HOORAY! THANK GOD! :D
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