April 20, 2010


I found two great sites that will help us court reporting students increase our vocabulary, and thereby dictionary-build, and test our knowledge of misspelled words. The first link is from Bill O'Reilly's website. I went to his site recently and found out that he posts his own Words of the Week. This is an awesome resource for us students to dictionary-build and learn new words in the process. Here's this week's words:
animadversion /an·uh·mud·VUR·zhun/ n. harsh criticism or disapproval
argot /AHR·go/ n. a specialized vocabulary particular to a specific group of people
circumlocution /sir·kum·low·KYOO·shun/ n. using many words to express an idea that could be expressed using a few
confabulist /cun·FAB·yoo·list/ n. a person who likes to chat
contumacious /kon·tuh·MAY·shus/ adj. obstinate; willfully disobedient
discommodious /dis·cum·MODE·eeus/ adj. Causing trouble or inconvenience; troublesome, annoying
excursus /ik·SKUR·sus/ n. a digression, a tangent
flagitious /fluh·JISH·us/ adj. shamefully wicked, criminal or scandalous; corrupt
gallimaufry /gal·uh·MAW·free/ n. a medley, a hodgepodge, a potpourri
hebetude /HEB·uh·tyood/ n. lethargy; mental dullness; lack of alertness
jejune /zhuh·ZHOON/ adj. lacking interest or significance, dull, uninteresting
legerdemain /lej·ur·duh·MAIN/ n. sleight of hand, or skillful deception
louche /LOOSH/ adj. dubious; of questionable intent or morality
maunder /MON·dur/ v. to talk incoherently; to ramble
meretricious /mer·uh·TRISH·us/ adj. falsely attractive
myrmidon /MUR·muh·don/ n. a faithful follower who follows commands without questioning them
obstreperous /ub·STREP·ur·us/ adj. noisily and stubbornly defiant, unruly; noisy, clamorous or boisterous
opprobrium /uh·PRO·bree·um/ n. disgrace, infamy, or reproach; the cause of shame or infamy
panjandrum /pan·JAN·drum/ n. a self-important, overbearing or pompous person
pellucid /puh·LOO·sid/ adj. transparent, clear; easily understandable
pestiferous /pes·TIF·ur·us/ adj. evil or damaging; bothersome, annoying, irritating
ragmatical /rag·MAT·ih·kull/ adj. ill-behaved, wild, raucous, riotous
raillery /RAY·luh·ree/ n. good-humored banter or teasing
recreant /REEK·ree·unt/ adj. cowardly, craven or spineless
rodomontade /rod·uh·mun·TODD/ n. vain, pretentious bluster; pompous self-indulgent ranting
salmagundi /sal·muh·GUN·dee/ n. a mixture, an assortment, a potpourri
tergiversation /tur·jiv·ur·SAY·shun/ n. the act of being deliberately ambiguous or evasive
turbid /TUR·bid/ adj. disturbed, disordered, confused
The other site is from Dictionary.com. Did you know they have a games portion on their website? My favorite game on Dictionary.com is Miss Spell's Class, a game where you have to choose whether the presented word is spelled correctly or not. At the end, you get a score. The first time I tried it, I was hooked for a few hours, trying to always beat my last score. There are some tricky words out there! Miss Spell's Class makes it fun and addicting to learn the correct spelling of words - with the famous "stars" next to each word you get correctly, too! Reminiscent of grade school!Definitely check out these two sites... and enjoy the words, words, words! :)

April 12, 2010


Posted by Christine (Steno Nerd) on April 9, 2010 at 10:31 a.m. Hi, All. I'm going to take the RPR WKT in July. I was wondering... how did you study for the RPR WKT? What exactly did you study? How long on a daily/weekly basis did you study? Right now I'm going through the glossaries of my legal and medical books and brushing up on grammar, punctuation, etc. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance! :) ------------------------------ Comment by Janiece on April 9, 2010 at 1:50 p.m. Okay, This is going to sound totally corny but one of the things I did was I made flashcards. I bought recipe cards and wrote questions on one side and answers on the other. They are portable. You can throwt hem in your purse. Cramming doesn't work for me. I worked on it a little bit every day. Janiece ------------------------------ Comment by Glen Warner on April 9, 2010 at 2:35 p.m. Piggy-backing on Janiece's idea, go here: http://www.cheapandsleazy.net/digi_flash.html You might also want to watch this video on Morson's. Good luck on the RPR! I'm nowhere near ready for that ....! --gdw "For a Good (steno) Time ...." http://www.cheapandsleazy.net ------------------------------ Comment by Janet McHugh on April 10, 2010 at 5:49 a.m. Hi Christine, They have flash cards on eBay for $4.99. I don't know -- worth a try? http://cgi.ebay.com/2010-Court-Reporter-Exam-Flashcards-500-Cards-on-CD_W0QQitemZ120513080265QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash= ------------------------------ Comment by Christine (Steno Nerd) on April 12, 2010 at 11:45 a.m. Janiece - I think you're right. I'll study a little at a time every day. Flash cards are a great idea! Instead of hard copy though, I want to be able to view them on my iTouch. Glen - Thanks for both links. Unfortunately, this particular video of Lady Steno regarding Morson's has an error. :( All her other videos are working, however, and I've since subscribed to her feed. Katiana is a great resource! :) Also, thanks for reminding me about the option of online flash cards! I checked out Flash Card Machine again but noticed that you have to pay for their software in order to have those same flash cards transferred to your iTouch. Even if I did pay for this software, they currently do not support iTouches (only iPods/Nanos). What I've done instead is created a free account on Freezing Blue where it's absolutely free to create your flash cards. You can then transfer those same flash cards to your iTouches/iPods/Nanos for free as well! No software necessary. There's no better price than free, right? :) Here's my first batch of flash cards (look for ID #13881, Author stenonerd): Legal Terms for Court Reporting 1 (Cerritos). I got these terms from Cecy of Cerritos College who so graciously sent us the Excel file - Legal_Terms.pdf. Thanks, Cecy! :) I'll be adding to my flash card stack on Freezing Blue in the coming days and studying on my iTouch and laptop like crazy! :) Janet - Thanks for the great find on eBay! Sounds like an unbeatable deal! :) But I'll pass this offer for now since I don't want to spend money (yes, I know it's only $4.99!). More importantly, I'm a very tactile person -- I tend to retain more information when I have to type out everything myself... so that's what I'll do! :) THANKS AGAIN, EVERYONE!!! MUCH APPRECIATED!!! :) ------------------------------ Comment by Christine (Steno Nerd) on April 12, 2010 at 11:50 a.m. Just checked out the video on YouTube again -- http://www.youtube.com/user/LadySteno#p/u/3/xXrFQkLMtzg It's working! Thanks, Glen! :)

By: VintageVerses of Etsy.com