June 19, 2010


A actively - TIFL activity - TIFT admonition - DMIGS adopt - DOPT agriculture - AG allegation - ALGS allege - ALG alleging - ALG* anger - ANG angry - AENG as a matter of fact - SMAFT as a matter of law - SMAFL as a result - SARLT as follows - SFOLS ASL - AS* assault - SAULT assault and battery - SAUB assault with a deadly weapon - DWEP B behavior - BAIFR beyond a reasonable doubt - YARD beyond all reasonable doubt - YAURD beyond every reasonable doubt - YERD bottom - BOT bought - BAUT C clue - KLAOU comfortable - KFRBL compromise - KPROM computer - KP-R conclusion - KLAOUGS confide - KWAOI confided - KWAOID confidence - K-FD confident - K-FT confidential - K-FL confidentiality - K-FLT consequence - KWENS consistent - SKINT contact - KAK conversation - KFRGS corner - KRORN credit card - KRARD criminal - KR-L cross-examination - KR-X D data - DAT database - D-B demeanor - DMOR denial - DAOENL deny - DAOEN depend - DEND dependence - DAENS dependent - DAENT detail - DAOET direct examination - DR-X disregard - DRAR disregard the - DRART E efficiency - FIRBS efficient - FIRBT emergency - M-RJ enable - NAIBL energy - N-RJ entitle - SBAOIL except - KPEP exception - KPEPGS exist - KPIF existence - KPINS expect - KP-P expert - SPERT expert testimony - SBIT expert witness - SBIN F finish - F-RB for example - FR-X G gradual - GRAUL gradually - GRAOEL H his or her - HOER honest - HONS honestly - HOENL honesty - HONST honor - HON honorable - HONL human - HAOUM human being - HAOUB humane - HAOUM* I identify - OIF identity - OIT if any - FAOEN if anything - FAOENG include - KLU independence - NAENS independent - NAENT injure - N-J injury - NAOEJ interpret - TERP interrupt - TRUP J judge - J- (initial) M malice - MALS malicious - LIRB N neglect - GLEK negligence - NEJS negligent - NEJ O object - OBT objected - OBD objection - OX observation - OVGS observe - OBS observed - OBZD on the one hand - TWAND on the other hand - TWRAND opposition - OIPGS opposition to - OIPT P peculiar - PEK pedestrian - PED pedestrians - PEDZ petition - PIRB petitioner - PRIRB possess - PES possessed - PES/D; PEDZ* possesses - PEZ profession - PROFGS profile - PRAOIL province - PROFNS punitive - PAOUF punitive damage - PAOUFD punitively - PAOUFL purport - PURPT R regard - RAR S senior - S-R senior citizen - S-RZ strength - STRENG strengthen - STREN surrender - SURND surround - SROUND T terror - TROER terrorist - TROERT transact - TR-T transaction - TRX transport - TR-P transportation - TR-PGS trespass - TREP V valid - VALD valued - VAL/D voir dire - V-RD W with regard - WRAR with regard to - WRART within - W-N Y your Honor - YURN


Anonymous said...

Very helpful! I am a new student (7-month in) and your briefs are perfect for me. I will be using them.

Thank you for posting.


Christine StenoNerd said...

Hi, Rebecca!

I'm so glad the briefs are helpful to you. Please check out the tab at the top of my blog called "My Steno Briefs." I have even more briefs there!

Congrats on starting out your steno journey 7 months ago... and all the
best to you! :)

By: VintageVerses of Etsy.com