But of course, since Spring Break is looming in the distance and I really, really, REALLY want to pass Qualifiers before then (please, GOD, help me???), I'm on my steno machine at home... and I'm working on briefs, which I haven't worked on in a while since I've been focusing lately on speed and reading through my sloppy notes in order to produce a transcript (trying to pass that Q!!!).
Anyway, here are the briefs that I've gleaned in the past hour. I know a lot of them already but only through text... not muscle memory yet, which is where I need them to be. If I find out later that I simply cannot get my fingers to write out a brief, I'll scrap it and find another way... or simply write the word out.
In no particular order...
handgun: H-G
handguns: H-GZ
horizontal gaze nystagmus: HORG
police car: PLAR
particular: PLAER
particularly: PLAERL
police vehicle: PLAOEK
patrol car: PRAR
patrol vehicle: PRAOEK
police unit: PLAOUNT
patrol unit: PRAOUNT
pertinent: PERT
microphone: M-F
miles an hour: MAF
miles per hour: M-RP
traffic conditions: TR-NS
based on your: BOUR
training and experience: TRAEG
discover: DOFR
discovery: DOIFR
bilingual: BLEL
blood alcohol: BLAL
blood alcohol level: BLAOEL
certify: KREFR
certified: KREFRD
certifies: KREFRZ
certifying: KREFRG
certification: KREFRGS
something like that: SLA
something of that nature: SAOFP
rephrase: RAIRZ
rephrased: RAIRDZ
rephrases: RAIRZ/Z
rephrasing: RAIRGZ
the witness has identified the defendant: TWOIFD
raise your right hand: RAIZ/RAIZ
raise your right hand to be sworn: RURDZ
pertain: PRAIN
pertained: PRAIND
pertains: PRAINZ
pertaining: PRAING
pertaining to: PRAINT
pregnant: PRANT
pregnancy: PRAENS
prance: PRANS
if your Honor please: FORP
for the purpose of: FURP
for the purposes of: FURPZ
Thanks for the briefs. Im only in Theory, but Im trying to soak up all the information that I can :)
My pleasure, RookieWriter901! :) Congrats on starting this crazy, wild, fun, memorable, fulfilling adventure that is court reporting! I encourage you to learn as many briefs as you can, especially for the high frequency words/phrases. They're such time-savers!
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