October 3, 2011


I'm going to start posting words/phrases that I want to review each week.  There won't be any set rules on how many words each week I will go through.  Most of these words I do know in the back of my steno brain, but I don't have the strokes 100% memorized.  That's what my goal is by the end of each week: to memorize these words and be able to recall them immediately.  Again, don't fear -- MOST of these words I already do know.  I just need to practice them a little bit more to truly cement them into my cerebral. :)

I'll print my weekly words and highlight the ones that I'm having difficulty recalling throughout the week.  Thus, I will have a focal point when I go through my words and will spend more time on the highlighted words/phrases.

Please feel free to join me! :)

Here is Week #1...


  1. about what time - BAOIM
  2. acquaintance - KWAINS
  3. acquaintances - KWAINZ
  4. actual - TUL
  5. actually - TWAUL
  6. addiction - DIX
  7. admitted into evidence - NOEFD
  8. after the accident - AEX
  9. all the - AULT
  10. argue - GAOU
  11. argued - GAOUD
  12. argues - GAOUZ
  13. arguing - GAOUG
  14. argumentative - GUF
  15. arraign - AIRNG
  16. arraigned - AIRNGD
  17. arraigning - AIRNG/G
  18. arraignment - AIRNMT
  19. arraigns - AIRNGZ
  20. arrange - AURNG
  21. arranged - AURNGD
  22. arrangement - AURMT
  23. arranges - AURNGZ
  24. arranging - AURNG/G
  25. at all - TAL
  26. author - AUR
  27. authored - AURD
  28. authoring - AURG
  29. authorities - THORTS
  30. authority - THORT
  31. authorization - THORGS
  32. authorize - THORZ
  33. authorized - THORDZ
  34. authorizes - THORZ/Z
  35. authorizing - THORGZ
  36. authors - AURZ
  37. autopsies - AUPZ
  38. autopsy - AUPS
  39. awed - AUD
  40. babble - BABL
  41. back on the record - BR-RD
  42. bandana - B-ND
  43. baseball - BAIBL
  44. basketball - B-BL
  45. bathroom - BARM
  46. bedroom - B-RM
  47. before the accident - BAEX
  48. birthday - B-RD
  49. carrier - KR-ER
  50. cash register - KAJ
  51. cash registers - KAJZ
  52. communicate - KMAOUK
  53. communicated - KMAOUKD
  54. communicates - KMAOUKZ
  55. communicating - KMAOUG
  56. communication - KMAOUX
  57. compare - KPAR
  58. compared - KPARD
  59. compares - KPARZ
  60. comparing - KPARG
  61. comparison - KPARS
  62. conference - KOFRNS
  63. conferences - KOFRNZ
  64. deteriorate - DRAIT
  65. deteriorated - DRAID
  66. deteriorates - DRAITS
  67. deterioration - DRAIGS
  68. do you know - DOUN*
  69. do you mean - DAOUM
  70. do you recall - DOURL
  71. do you recognize - DOURG
  72. do you remember - DOURM
  73. do you think - DOUNG
  74. document - DOUMT
  75. documentation - DOUMGS
  76. documented - DOUMD
  77. documenting - DOUMG
  78. documents - DOUMTS
  79. down - DOUN
  80. driver seat - DRAET
  81. driver side - DRAOID
  82. driver's license - D-L
  83. driver's seat - DRAET*
  84. driver's side - DRAOID*
  85. during the accident - DAEX
  86. during the course of - DROURS
  87. effective - AEF
  88. effectively - AEFL
  89. event - AOENT
  90. events - AOENTS
  91. household - H-LD
  92. households - H-LDZ
  93. I am - Y-M
  94. I did - ID
  95. I do - YO*
  96. I do not know - YOEN
  97. I do not recall - YOERL
  98. I do not remember - YOERM
  99. I do not think - YOENG
  100. I don't - YO
  101. I don't know - YON
  102. I don't recall - YORL
  103. I don't remember - YORM
  104. I don't think - YONG
  105. I.D. - ID*
  106. immaterial - IRM
  107. in any event - NAOENT
  108. in evidence - NEFD
  109. innefective - NAEF
  110. innefectively - NAEFL
  111. insurance carrier - SHAOURK
  112. is it true - STRAOU
  113. isn't it true - SN-R
  114. laundry - LAURND
  115. may have been - MAIFB
  116. meantime - MAOIM
  117. mechanism - MEFP
  118. medical insurance - MAOURNS
  119. no objection - NOEX
  120. obtain - AUB
  121. obtained - AUBD
  122. obtaining - AUB/G 
  123. obtains - AUBZ
  124. occupant - AUPT
  125. odd - OD
  126. off the record - AUFD
  127. offhand - AUFND
  128. opposition - PIGS
  129. parking lot - PROT
  130. parking lots - PROTS
  131. passenger seat - PAET
  132. passenger side - PAOID
  133. passenger's seat - PAET*
  134. passenger's side - PAOID*
  135. paycheck - PAIFP
  136. permissible - PERBL
  137. permission - PERGS
  138. permission to - PAOERGS
  139. Persian - PERGS*
  140. prior to - PRAOIRT
  141. priorities - PRORTS
  142. priority - PRORT
  143. properties - PROPTS
  144. property - PROPT
  145. purport - PURT
  146. purported - PURT/D
  147. purporting - PURGT
  148. purports - PURTS
  149. quarrel - KWOERL
  150. quarreled - KWOERLD
  151. quarreling - KWOERLG
  152. quarrels - KWOERLZ
  153. quarter - KWAUR
  154. quarterly - KWAURL
  155. savings and loan - SLOEN
  156. scene of the accident - SNAEX
  157. so granted - SGRAND
  158. so marked - SMARKD
  159. so stipulated - STOIPD
  160. tall - TAUL
  161. taller - TAURL
  162. to my knowledge - TIRJ
  163. to the best of my knowledge - TIBS
  164. to the best of your knowledge - TOUBS
  165. to your knowledge - TURJ
  166. what do you mean - WHAUM
  167. what time - WHAOIM
  168. where was - W-RFS
  169. whom - WHAOUM
  170. Yes, I am - YAM
  171. Yes, I did - YID
  172. Yes, I do - YOD
  173. you did - UD
  174. you do - UD*
  175. you mean - YAOUM
  176. you're welcome - YURM

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By: VintageVerses of Etsy.com