October 25, 2011


Sorry I'm late!

Here are the words I will concentrate on this week:

answer the question - AEGS
anything further - NIRT
anywhere - NIR
arrow - RAOR
arrows - RAORZ
at some point - SPOIN
at some point in time - SPOINT
attorney - TOERN
attorneys - TOERNZ
calls for - KAUFLZ
canvas - KWAS
canvassing - KWAFG
canvassed - KWAFD
canvasses - KWAZ
cell phone - SFOEN
cell phones - SFOENZ
cross-examination - KRAUX
cross-examine - KRAUM
deed of trust - DOFT
defense attorney - DOERN
defense attorneys - DOERNZ
entrance - SBRANS
entry - SBRI
execute - SKAOUT
executed - SKAOUD
executes - SKAOUTS
executing - SKAOUGT
explain - KPLAIN
explained - KPLAIND
explaining - KPLAING
explains - KPLAINZ
explanation - KPLAIGS
frequent - FREK
frequented - FREKD
frequenting - FREG
frequently - FREL
frequents - FREKZ
in order - NORD
is it your opinion - STOURP
is it your testimony - ST-RM
is it your understanding - STOURNG
Kleenex - KLAOEX
may I approach - MOEFP
next in order  - NOERD
no idea - N-D
nowhere - N-R
OI - " "(quotes)
origin - AURJ
original - ORJ
originally - OERJ
originals - ORJZ
phone call - FOENK
phone calls - FOENKZ
plaintiff attorney - PLOERN
plaintiff attorneys - PLOERNZ
point of origin - POIJ
rear-view mirror - RFM
rear-view mirrors - RFMZ
recess - RAOES
side-view mirror - SFM
side-view mirrors - SFMZ
somewhere - SM-R
speculate - SPLAIT
speculated - SPLAID
speculates - SPLAITS
speculating - SPLAIGT
speculation - SPLAIGS
speculative - SPLAIF
telephone call - TOENK
telephone calls - TOENKZ
therapy - THAOERP
they were - THERP
transaction - TR-X
transactions - TR-X/Z
yes and no - Y-N
yes or no - YOERN
you may answer - YAOUMS


Jenni said...

Thanks, Christine! Those are great. I really like "you may answer" (maybe a YAOUKS for "you can answer"?), SPOIN/SPOINT, and RAOR for arrow, which always trips me up.

Christine StenoNerd said...

Thank you for YAOUKS for "you can answer." Love that brief!

So glad you're back to blogging! I know I've missed your posts! :)

Butterfly said...

CONGRATULATIONS, BEAUTIFUL, ON YOUR LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!! You're one step closer to being done with school and becoming a working reporter!! YOU'RE ROCKING!!! I'm so proud of you!:))YEYYY!!


Christine StenoNerd said...

Thanks, Butterfly! :) You're an inspiration yourself, and I'm so thankful to know you! :)

By: VintageVerses of Etsy.com