There's a new court reporting social network site that's been gaining new members daily --
Court Reporters Site. This is Kelli's website that she created after she and Monti went their separate ways.
A few years ago, Kelli, a court reporter, and Monti, a legal videographer, created the original CSR Nation, which has been dubbed the Facebook or MySpace for court reporters. I was super excited about it! (Read
here to see just how much!)
Sadly, however, sometime last year, there was a riff between Kelli and Monti. Monti left CSR Nation to Kelli in order to create another court reporting social network site --
Court Reporters Connect (CRC).
Since then, Monti has had CRC, and Kelli has had CSR Nation. Now there were two social networking sites instead of the original CSR Nation. I stayed active on both sites for a while, hoping that the tension between the two would die down. I was also hoping against hopes that Monti and Kelli would reconcile, and we, the online friends, would get our original CSR Nation back -- it was such a great, fun, informative tool for us all, especially us court reporting students! But the reconciliation was not to happen -- at least not now.

Just last week I deactivated my account at CRC, because I personally felt that there was too much negativity on this site. The whining and complaining that I personally saw at CRC was too much for me to handle. Thus, I sent Monti and all my CRC online friends a message letting them know that I was going to deactivate my account with CRC and also the reason why. I told them all that I was joining Kelli's site,
Court Reporters Site, because I did not find any bitterness there. Rather, I found it uplifting and more like the old CSR Nation I had grown to love and miss so much!
I encourage you to check out both sites and see which one you like better. Maybe you can be a member at both, and that's cool. I was doing that for a while. But for now, I just can't. I would love to rejoin CRC perhaps down the road if (and only if) I find that there is no longer any animosity or bitterness at that site, to the point where I would be very proud to be a loyal member of CRC.

I don't wish Monti nor any of the CRC supporters any harm. I am very grateful for all the hard work both he and Kelli put into the original CSR Nation. I still wish we only had one social networking site to choose from. But for now, while we don't, I'll be at
Court Reporters Site.
Yeah, but Monti doesn't block you for disagreeing with him. If Kelli doesn't like what you say or you don't agree with her, she just "zap," blocks you from her site. Good Pay/Bad Pay was set up to inform people about agencies. I criticized Feldman and Kelli didn't like it. She said I should criticize in the blogs, and I replied within the group that I thought that's what the group was made for, which is what everyone was using it for. When I replied in the group, Kelli used the excuse the group was not to blog and "zap," I was blocked from the site. The group and the blog both are pretty much dead cuz that's really what people did in both sites, but because Kelli didn't like what I said she blocked me. Since then I've been contacted by many people Kelli has blocked just because she doesn't like what they say. Unfortunately you don't know who she's blocked; they just disappear. Kelli is unprofessional and a spoiled brat. It's just a shame that she is the owner of the site instead of someone more professional and objection.
I could not agree more. She just blocks you without letting you know what the problem is. You're just gone. She is messing up people's livelihoods. What goes around comes around. She's a control freak. You can't make a suggestion or comment on her comments or she throws a hissy fit or blocks you.
The internet is not the place for trashing anyone in the profession. Schoolchildren are already taught that on-line bullying and careless words never go away.
I have visited this site and I would like to become the member of this site.
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Kelli Combs is a bully, control freak and immature. I had a problem with her too. Another person named Sabrina, from Preferred Reporters, complained to Kelli Combs about me on CSR Nation. It didn't even involve her pathetic web site and Kelli Combs blocked me. First she lied about it, then she said the truth. Oh,Kelli Combs is now charging reporters a monthly fee if you want to grab one of their last-min jobs that are posted, and we all know they are not good jobs. Good riddance to her. All agencies do is post their horrible jobs on CSR Nation, that their staff reporters don't want to take, like 5 pm dr depos or WCAB work. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. Stay clear of Kelli Combs and Preferred Reporters. Kelly Combs and Preferred Reporters are buddies and will trash any court reporters career for no reason at all. I speak of personal experience here.
Wish there was a dating app/website for court reporting
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