I promised I'd tell you about the great deal my boyfriend and I got on my new laptop/steno machine roller. But before I tell you outright what product we decided to buy, let me give you some background info first.
I was
always lugging around
so many things when I had to practice on my steno machine and use my laptop for realtime. I was constantly carrying:

1. My laptop carrier by SwissGear, which was an over-the-shoulder bag. This is a great product! But I overstuffed this tote with extension cords, notebooks, folders, books, and other school supplies that I felt were absolutely needed for my practice sessions! I'm sure I added at least 5 if not 10 lbs. on top of the weight of my laptop and the bag itself.
My poor shoulder!

2. My steno machine carrier by Stenograph, which was also an over-the-shoulder bag. I stuffed this bag with my steno machine, paper pads, and some books, notebooks, and folders that I forcibly squeezed in here because they couldn't fit into my laptop carrier anymore.
My other poor shoulder!
3. My purse... my water bottle... my coffee... my lunch... :P
Finally, I knew enough was enough. It was time to buy a roller already!
First I went on
CSR Nation's forum and posted a discussion on August 3, 2009 entitled "Laptop/Steno Machine Roller." I asked for the pros' advice on which rollers they liked best and which rollers they would recommend for me as a student. Most of the pros recommended the
Pirouette carrying case by Stenograph, but I wasn't willing to pay $200. Maybe if I was a working reporter already, that would be no problem at all! But as a full-time student, part-time employee, I seriously can't afford $200 "luxuries." To view the whole thread on CSR Nation, click
I then went on
Depo Man's forum and looked around for any info on laptop/steno machine rollers. I found a working reporter who said that he just uses a regular clothes roller to carry his steno machine and laptop... and nobody really cares (or really knows his roller is actually supposed to be for clothes, not machines!)... and he loves it because he got a great deal! Plus, he's already a working reporter who can easily afford the $200 "luxury," but is super happy with his buy.
That got me thinking!
I should just buy a regular clothes roller too since they're much cheaper than any specialized stenography roller is, and it'll do the same exact job -- house my precious products perfectly, safely, and with great ease! Also, the working reporter from Depo Man said that he found the regular clothes roller to be more durable than the specialized stenography rollers out there.

That week Macy's was having sale, so my boyfriend and I went to their luggage department. I opened up every luggage they had to inspect if it was big enough to house my laptop, steno machine, books, and cords. I finally found "The One." :) My boyfriend bought me the
Ricardo Capistrano Free Wheeler 21 inches two compartment spinner. Ooooh! So pretty! Yet functional! :)

The roller was on sale at Macy's, plus I reopened my account at Macy's to get even more savings.
The total came up to about $50.00 with warranty! Pretty sweet! :)

I've been using this roller for a few weeks now, and I love it! Packing up my things has become so much easier since I only need to put everything in one place instead of two.
Also, my shoulders and back are loving me again! :)
I encourage you to get a roller if you're still hauling your steno machine and laptop separately. You'll save a lot of wear and tear on your shoulders, back, and (just being honest here) sanity!
I'm not stressed out anymore having to worry about long walks from here to there lugging around all my heavy, bulky things! Now I just stroll along... leisurely... and with a smile! Hehehe!
would you be willing to post pics of exactly HOW you load your steno "luggage"? I am in the same boat. Interning is a pain with even just a Jet Bag and laptop rolling briefcase. I want it all in one bag!
You are already playing it SMART! You can get some really great deals on luggage that works just fine for a working (or student) court reporter. I have used off-the-shelf luggage for a long time, and if you watch the sales, you'll get wonderful savings. As far as packing the steno machine and all your component parts you'll need; power charger, power strip, tripod(s, tray table, your wireless realtime kit; manuals, laptop, and on and on. As far as Jill's question about packing the steno machine, I just make sure I have the foam from my other cases and move it from one to the next. Egg foam is cheap and you can get it easily enough. Just make sure the top of your writer is protected so nothing will smash the keys on the machine.
I bought a scrapbooking rolling case from Goodwill for $8. It was a little dusty, but once I got it hope and my husband wiped it down really well, it looks like new. It fits everything, including my 17-inch laptop.
I mean, once I got it "home." Whoops!
Hi, Jill! Thanks for your comment and question. I actually posted the answer to how I pack all my things in my roller, and it can be found here: http://stenonerd.blogspot.com/2010/03/how-i-pack-my-laptopsteno-machine.html
Hi, Anonymous! Great job on getting a usable scrapbooking rolling case for only $8! It will totally work! :)
Tutto makes a great bag that holds everything from your computer, steno machine, tripod, down to files and cords. Wheels make it turn SO easy too. I can't say enough good things about it. It came with a nester bag for machine and a rain coat too!! :)
I think I’m working in reverse from you! Ha ha. Do you still have your original case from stenograph? As I’m going back to CART on campus I need to be more mobile and can’t find a better solution. Robertmmiller@hotmail.com thanks!!
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